Hazard risk mapping is a tool generally used to identify risks, vulnerabilities and local Disaster Risk Management capacities. Under this initiative, hazard risk mapping provided the necessary basis for developing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) plans at the different administrative levels of commune (or ward in cities), district and province.

An innovative and participatory mapping methodology was developed and piloted in three countries (Cambodia, the Philippines and Viet Nam) to enable local government and communities to improve their preparedness and response plans. Multi-hazard maps were developed using Quantum Geographical Information System in 19 urban areas and tested through simulation exercises. Read the related methodology in more detailed: Participatory multi-hazard risk mapping methodology for urban and peri-urban contexts

Extracted from the Building Urban Resilience in Southeast Asia, an ECHO-funded project, this case study forms a part of the Building Urban Resilience in Southeast Asia series.


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