The school mapping exercise is a project under the ASEAN Safe Schools Initiative (ASSI), which is under the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER). Mapping of the National Societies (NSs) school safety programmes and activities will provide an evidence-based visibility to the role of the NSs and will strengthen their advocacy works.

The outcome of the mapping exercise will be an executive summary report (5-10 pages in English or national languages) presenting the key information of each NS as follow:

  • Number of schools reached, and their geographic locations and types of intervention
  • Number of children (girls and boys) reached
  • The NSs’ approach to school safety (including framework, policies, guidelines and tools)
  • The NSs’ partnership with government (national and local) and other organizations
  • Impact Stories from headmasters, teachers, children, volunteers about Red Cross Societie’ school safety actions
  • Quotes from NSs’ leaders and opinion-makers about the value of developing safer environment in schools

Southeast Asian Youth Network (SEAYN) members conducted 1-2 hour semi-structured interviews with various departments and focal points working with schools, including disaster management, health, WatSan, first aid, social welfare, organizational development and human resource departments. The results were presented to the 2nd ASEAN School Safety Conference which will be held in Bangkok on 14-15 February 2017, as well as to the South-East Asia Community Safety and Resilience Forum (CSRF) convened on 18-20 April 2017 in Malaysia.

e-mail: Youth and Volunteering Officer, Kum Ju Ho, at

School Safety mapping documents

Brunei Red Crescent Society working towards school safety
Cambodian Red Cross Society: Working towards school safety
This brochure highlights and maps Cruz Vermelha de Timor-Leste activities to support school safety, including the challenges and way forward. The activities are grouped following the three pillars of Comprehensive School Safety.
Indonesian Red Cross Society: Working towards school safety
Lao Red Cross Society working towards school safety
Malaysian Red Crescent: working towards school safety
Myanmar Red Cross Society working towards school safety
Philippine Red Cross Society working towards school safety
This brochure highlights and maps Singapore Red Cross Society activities to support school safety, including the challenges and way forward. The activities are grouped following the three pillars of Comprehensive School Safety.
Thai Red Cross Society: working towards school safety
This brochure highlights and maps Viet Nam Red Cross Society activities to support school safety, including the challenges and way forward. The activities are grouped following the three pillars of Comprehensive School Safety.

Supporting documents
