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Regional Consultations for Rights of Migrants in Action | 1-2 March 2017 | Bangkok, Thailand

1 March , 2017 - 2 March , 2017


Objective of Regional Consultations
The purpose each Regional Consultation is to facilitate networking opportunities, strengthen collaboration and exchange between implementing partners, harness the collective experiences of partner civil society organizations (CSOs) and develop a set of recommendations linked to the implementation and objectives of the Rights of Migrants in Action project. More in details, programme managers from partner CSOs and National Society’s Focal Points will have the possibility to strengthen synergies, share and analyse key achievements and challenges, exchange good practices.

Furthermore, discussions related to existing and missing regional policies with regard to targeted populations will help identify regional recommendations for development of Rights of Migrants in Action’s global policy papers on human rights of migrants, human trafficking and domestic labour migration.

This meeting constitutes a series of five Regional Conferences which will take place in the Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe and Central Asia, and Middle East and North Africa regions. For Asia the Regional Consultation will happen on 1-2 March 2017.

In addition to National Society focal points and programme managers from partner CSOs within each region, the meeting will gather Central Programme Unit members and IFRC regional representatives, as well as external partners and stakeholders, including representatives from the European Union, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Organization for Migration, United Nation agencies, and civil society actors working on the field of migration. There will be approximately 30 participants.

Through a highly participatory approach, participants will be actively involved throughout the meeting and will be requested to share practises through presentations and exercises to ensure that insight on different perspectives and experiences is gauged. Background documents and templates for presentation will be shared in advance.

Day 1
The meeting will focus on leveraging the knowledge and experience of partner CSOs, National Society Focal points and IFRC representatives. It will open with some introductory remarks from representatives from hosting National Society and IFRC Regional office to set the scene and present the objectives and outcomes of the event.

The Rights of Migrants in Action’s Central Programme Unit will provide an overview presentation on key achievements, challenges, best practices, recommendations and projected plans from a global perspective. It will be followed by a panel per country composed by the National Society Focal Point and CSOs representatives: a discussion will be established around the aforementioned points and will be moderated by the NS’s focal point.

A template for the presentation will be provided to each CSO ahead of the meeting, this document will be distributed among participants. This will be followed by a Q&A session. Participants will be given the floor to share comment and concise reactions, building on leading strategic questions provided in advance.

Expectations for Day 1
1. Participants are expected to share information about achievements, challenges and best practices experienced during project implementation
2. National Society and partner CSOs in the region will meet and explore opportunities for networking, peer-to-peer learning, exchange of knowledge and expertise.

Powerpoint Presentations for Day 1
» Agenda for Day 1
» Right of Migrants in Action Project Overview
» Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Nepal
» Gemapalu Indonesia
» Layak Indonesia
» OTMI Indonesia
» SBMI Equator Indonesia
» Foundation for Education and Development (FED) Thailand
» Foundation for Labour and Employment Promotion (FLEP)/Homenet Thailand
» Mobile Application by Foundation of Labour and Employment Promotion (FLEP)
» Migrant Assistance Programme (MAP) Foundation Thailand
» The Life Skills Development Foundation (TLSDF) Thailand

Day 2
Part 1: Three key note speakers will introduce and analyse the policy regional dimension of human rights of migrants, human trafficking and domestic labour migration. Key note speakers will be identified among members of academia, UN, IOM, International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, etc.

Part 2: Three working stations (human rights of migrants, human trafficking and domestic labour migration) will be formed. Each working station will have a whiteboard. Participants will circulate among the workstations providing their feedbacks on the main gaps at the regional level and their recommendations for each topic. This setting will give the possibility to participants to take part in all aspects of the discussion.
Identified facilitators/rapporteurs for each working station will summarize and present the key elements from the discussions on the final plenary session.

Part 3: Final plenary – taking stock of the day, assembling results and policy recommendations and agreeing on the way forward.

Expectations for Day 2
1. Gaps related to existing and missing regional policies with regard to targeted populations will be discussed and summarized.
2. Recommendations on human rights of migrants, human trafficking and domestic labour migration are collected at the regional level and will constitute the basis for the development of global position papers.

Powerpoint Presentations for Day 2
» Agenda for Day 2
» Right of Migrants in Action (RoMiA) Project Overview by International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
» Migration: The role of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
» Keynote Speech by International Labour Organization (ILO)
» Keynote Speech by Migrant Forum Asia

See also: A web story: Giving migrant workers a platform to voice their rights



1 March , 2017
2 March , 2017
Event Categories:
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Novotel Sukhumvit
Bangkok, Thailand


IFRC Thailand

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