This article first appeared in Brunei Times, Sep 23, 2016.
Faizal Gurie, the chief officer of International Relations & Public Communication Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) said the celebration will carry the theme “First Aid For Everyone & Everywhere”. In this event, the forum on ‘First Aid For Everyone & Everywhere’ and ‘Basic First Aid Treatment Procedures’ were also delivered by members of the BDRCS.
The Secretary General of BDRC, Sheikh Kadir, hoped newly certified instructors could train more people in communities to save lives. BDRC aim high in promoting the importance of First Aid responses at the community level.
First Aid Academy was established in February last year. Those who are enrolled in the Academy are also given international training, and will be accredited by the Federation of International Red Cross Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) once they have completed their courses. Their accreditation will be tasked to produce ‘Community Trainers’ who will be selected to teach others in their villages. Community trainers do not necessarily need to be accredited, as long as they have Basic First Aid knowledge. The academy has managed to produce around 570 First Aid Instructors, with the help of the government, private companies and non-government organisations (NGOs).
This is in line with BDRCS’s Strategic plan to have at least one person equipped with Basic First Aid skills in every Bruneian household, so that proper actions are taken whenever emergency situations arise.
The Secretary General said the forum aimed to discuss and raise awareness on first aid skills. Currently we are working together with The Belait Youth Association (PEMBELA) to promote First Aid Awareness, but we will also be approaching other NGOs and private companies in the district to further promote our objectives. “What is fundamental is that, having more people with Basic First Aid skills in the society means having more people capable of saving lives ” he added. Read also the news here.
Email: Brunei Darussalam Red Crescent Society International Relation and Public Communication, Faizal Gurie at