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South East Asia Regional Disaster Response Team (RDRT) Working Group Workshop | October 2014 | Bangkok

28 October , 2014 8:00 am - 29 October , 2014 5:00 pm UTC+7

Part of the agreement above is to have a follow-up workshop to discuss on the finalization of the above agreements in preparation for the South-East Asia National Societies Leadership meeting to be held on July 2015.


Specific Objectives of the workshop are to:

  • Develop a standard operating procedures and terms of reference for the mobilization and deployment of the RDRT;
  • Develop a standard curriculum on National Disaster Response Team training;
  • Identify the scenarios to deploy the RDRT in non-emergency and emergency situations;
  • Agree on the final recommended position paper and presentation on RDRT for the upcoming SEA NS Leadership meeting on 2015.


Documents from the workshop

1. Concept Note of the RDRT Working Group Workshop2. Agenda3. RDRT Working Group participant list4. Meeting Minutes which contains several key recommendations, including the scenarios of RDRT deployment:

  • Scenario 1: If Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) operation exceeds 150,000 CHF, RDRT should be deployed, and if IFRC launches the emergency appeal for affected NS, RDRT deployment should be automatic. DREF and emergency appeal need to cover the cost of RDRT.
  • Scenario 2: If government announces a state of emergency following any given disaster/crisis, RDRT may also be deployed. Funding will be explored within peer National Societies of the region and IFRC.
  • Scenario 3: If the humanitarian community activates the cluster system (formally or informally) because of different political reasons to address the needs following disasters/crisis, RDRT should be deployed. Funding will be explored within peer National Societies of the region and IFRC.
  • Scenario 4: RDRT should be deployed to participate in different exercises which are organized by different regional organizations like ASEAN, bilaterally/multilaterally by governments of the region during non-emergency time as part of preparedness measure. RDRT also should be mobilized to train NDRT and RDRT people as facilitator/co-facilitator within the region as part of regional cooperation and peer learning. Funding will be explored within peer National Societies of the region and IFRC.

5. RDRT Kit (standardized set of RDRT essential equipment during deployment)

6. RDRT in South-East Asia – Keeping it Alive (is a presentation that guides the discussion of the workshop):

  • Background (RDRT training and deployment)
  • Prepared questions for discussion
  • Terms of Reference of RDRT member’s selection and deployment
  • Link between RDRT and NDRT
  • Way forward agenda
  • Timeframe proposed

7. PMI – points to discuss on RDRT mobilization, includes the scale of disaster for RDRT deployment, alert procedure, selection of RDRT member, briefing, RDRT procedures compared to Host National Society procedures, transfer of knowledge mechanism, maximum and minimum days of deployment, reporting, etc.

Reference materials for the preparation of the meeting:

8. IFRC Asia Pacific Zone Office Direction of Travel of RDRT (Year 2012-2014)

9. IFRC Asia Pacific Zone Office SOP for Disaster Response and Early Recovery in Asia Pacific September 2011, version 2.0

10. Minutes of meeting of RDRT Taskforce for AP Zone June 2014, which discussed about:

  • Review of Asia Pacific RDRT overall goal and updates from respective region
  • Roster (new data system, planned tracking survey, common roster on RMS)
  • Training plans
  • Work plan

11. IFRC Real-time evaluation of the Philippines Haiyan Response February – March 2014

12. IFRC Asia Pacific Zone Office RDRT Induction Course 2013: Syllabus

13. Thai Red Cross National Disaster Response Team (NDRT) Training Curriculum

14. Example of Terms of Reference for an RDRT member’s deployment.

15. Red Cross Red Crescent engagement with ASEAN: a focus on the ASEAN Agreement for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) which outlines the key areas of collaboration:

  • Cooperation Framework between ASEAN and the IFRC which, highlights cooperation to increase preparedness and mitigate disasters (in progress)
  • Technical cooperation with AHA Centre (see Joint Action Plan for technical collaboration between Red Cross Red Crescent and AHA Centre), in the following activities:
  • Sharing information
  • Operational response frameworks
  • Learning from each other
  • IFRC’s contribution on AADMER report (in progress)
  • Joint simulation exercise, where IFRC is technically and financially supporting NS participation in ASEAN’s simulation exercises including: DiREx 2013 in Thailand.
  • Regional School Safety Initiative in South-East Asia
  • ASEAN Day on Disaster Management
  • Disaster Law
  • Regional DRR Conferences leading to WCDRR in 2015
  • Joint capacity building



28 October , 2014 8:00 am UTC+7
29 October , 2014 5:00 pm UTC+7
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