Thailand: Making strides towards advancing migrants’ rights agenda

Bangkok-based  Foundation for Labour and Employment Promotion (FLEP)  will be working with female migrant domestic workers (MDW) to empower them to gain knowledge on reproductive and occupational health and safety, enhance access to public healthcare services and redress mechanisms. Information and mobile technologies, including bilingual mobile apps and online social platforms will be set up as a tool for information dissemination and direct response to MDW’s grievances and complaints. Additionally, the project will enhance capacities of migrant and Thai domestic workers as peer educators  referred to as “Hello Volunteers” they will provide counselling as well as facilitate referrals of serious cases to the Crisis Response Team run by FLEP.

Geographic scope of CSO projects in Thailand: Bangkok, Phuket and Chiang Mai.

The Foundation for Education and Development’s project  aims to promote and protect the rights of Burmese migrant domestic workers and victims of human trafficking in Phuket. A special focus will be placed on promoting access to services for Burmese workers and raising awareness about migrant’s vulnerabilities and rights by organizing regular public forums, information sessions for recruitment agencies and local government.

In northern Thailand, Burmese domestic migrant workers will benefit from regular outreach activities and expanded social networks. To utilize numerous channels of communication and to break the isolation of domestic workers  MAP Foundation will develop  multi-media packs in migrant languages as well as continue to broadcast its weekly radio show on domestic workers’ rights, which will promote increased linkages through a hotline and social media platforms.
The Life Skills Development Foundation will work to increase the efficacy and reach of Migrant Workers Federation of Chiang Mai to improve migrant workers’  access to services by establishing a 24-hour hotline,  training a network of response team volunteers and setting up career advancement centres in four satellite field offices in the districts most populated by migrants.

Geographic scope of CSO projects in Thailand: 

  • Bangkok  – Foundation for Labour and Employment Opportunities;
  • Phuket – Foundation for Education in Development;
  • Chiang Mai – The Life Skills Development Foundation and MAP Foundation
Written in March 2016 


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