School Disaster Risk Management Guidelines for Southeast Asia


The School Disaster Risk Management (SDRM) Guidelines aim to support school-based risk assessment and planning, educational continuity planning, and development of response skills (such as standard operating procedures, incident command systems in case of hazards) and response provisions (such as temporary and locally built learning facilities) –all of which form the School Disaster Risk Management Plan.

The SDRM Guidelines aim to reduce the impact of disasters on the school’s environment, physical construction, as well as to avoid possible impacts on the students’ learning outcomes. To achieve this, the Guidelines attempt to harmonize existing school safety template documents with existing global and regional approaches to come up with a common set of standards that can be adopted and adapted in Southeast Asian countries.


  • The first section presents the common principles and standards in school disaster risk management discussed in a step-by-step manner, including a discussion on the roles and responsibilities of the SDRM Committee and SDRM Focal Point, the purpose is to develop a SDRM Plan that will guide the school in achieving comprehensive school safety.
  • The second and third section discusses about the relevant tools and activities to develop the SDRM Plan.
  • The fourth section contains country profiles that briefly describe the strengths and challenges of each Southeast Asian country. A number of case stories are also provided to illustrate simple, practical, and easy-to-replicate good practices of school-based disaster risk management.

Usage: Guidance for implementation

Audience: School safety practitioners


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ASEAN Safe Schools Initiative: A Compilation of Case Studies

The compilation of case studies showcases the good practices in 6 ASEAN countries in school safety, conducted within ASEAN Safe Schools Initiative (ASSI) programme.
This compilation covers 6 country case studies:
  • Three case studies on Cambodia, Indonesia and Lao PDR showcase ASSI’s good practices and key learnings.
  • Three case studies on Myanmar, Philippines and Thailand showcase good practices, key learnings and enabling environment from various school safety initiatives in the countries including ASSI in Myanmar and Thailand.


Usage: Learning from experience

Audience: Safe school practitioners



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Rollout manual for operationalisation of ASEAN Common Framework for Comprehensive School Safety


The rollout manual primarily aims to assist country focal agencies on school safety (e.g. Ministry of Education and National Disaster Management Office) in translating the conceptual framework into implementable actions through detailed steps to generate the outputs, key actors, and timelines, as well as elaboration on working mechanisms at national and regional level for school safety.

The manual shall be used as a reference for education authorities, government agencies, local authorities with mandates relevant to education and DRR, and who are tasked with planning, implementing, and monitoring school safety-related activities.

The manual also aims to bring all concerned agencies and stakeholders to a uniform understanding of the framework operationalisation, which highlights inter-linked processes within the 15-year timeframe, coinciding with the completion of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR).

With this overall sketch for operationalisation, concerned agencies, potential partners and stakeholders at national, regional and global level shall be in a better position to determine their roles in supporting, facilitating, or coordinating with various activities during operationalisation.


The operationalisation of the ASEAN Common Framework for Comprehensive School Safety entails 4 key activities done in a cyclical process:

  • Activity 1 – Assessing current status, gaps and needs
  • Activity 2 – Setting country priorities and targets
  • Activity 3 – Developing Country Action Plan on school safety
  • Activity 4 – Developing and undertaking progress monitoring and impact evaluation (the results of which will be fed into Activity 1 of the next operationalisation phase/period)


Usage: Guidance for implementation

Audience: School safety practitioners

See alsoASEAN Common Framework for Comprehensive School Safety


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ASEAN Common Framework for Comprehensive School Safety


The ASEAN Common Framework for Comprehensive School Safety is extracted from the global Comprehensive School Safety (CSS) Framework, and it contains details to guide education ministries and National Disaster Management Offices (NDMOs) towards more intensified action on school safety.

Contextualised for ASEAN members to operationalise the global framework, this framework addresses the need for the development of a mechanism to effectively operationalise the CSS framework at the regional, national, and sub-national levels.


The framework aims to achieve the same targets as with the Comprehensive School Safety Framework. To ensure certain uniformity of progress monitoring indicators for school safety, a set of monitoring indicators has been developed, which could serve as minimum standard for countries implementing the Framework, comprising:

  • 6 output indicators to track the impact on school safety at the national using quantifiable data collected at school level
  • 14 input indicators to track school safety interventions and impacts at school level.


In addition to discussing about the school safety in the ASEAN region, the document also discusses about framework, its key elements and the mechanisms of cooperation on the framework at national and regional levels.

Usage: Guidance for implementation

Audience: School safety practitioners

See alsoRollout manual for operationalisation of ASEAN Common Framework for Comprehensive School Safety


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First ASEAN Conference on School Safety | 16-17 December 2015 | Phnom Penh, Cambodia

The ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management (ACDM), the ASEAN Safe Schools Initiative (ASSI) and the ASEAN Secretariat held the first ASEAN Regional Conference on School Safety on 16-17 December 2015, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

The objectives of this conference are as follows:

    •  Exchange knowledge and share learnings on school safety programming
    • Discuss and promote the ASEAN Common Framework for Comprehensive School Safety as an operational modality for regional collaboration and cooperation towards a programmatic approach for school safety implementation, and a tool for monitoring national and regional progress.
    • Discuss the ways forward for school safety in the ASEAN region vis-à-vis new regional and global developments on disaster risk reduction, taking into consideration of the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030 and the upcoming AADMER Work Programme 2016-2020.

For more information, please visit AADMER partnership website.


Below are the presentations delivered and discussed during the conference:

Presentation: ASEAN Common Framework for Comprehensive School Safety
Presentation: Overview of ASSI and AADMER
Presentation: Comprehensive School Safety Framework and World Initiative for Safer Schools
Presentation: Overview of ASEAN Cooperation on Education



Presentation: Worldwide Initiative for Safe Schools (and ASSI’s Contribution)
Presentation: Country Baseline and Targets Template – Comprehensive School Safety
Presentation: Thailand – The Ways Forward for School Safety in Thailand
Presentation: Singapore – Keeping Schools Safe and Secured



For more information on ASSI and the case studies, visit: ASEAN Safe School Initiative (ASSI) page



Red Cross Red Crescent Youth in School Safety Programme – Facilitator’s Guide – Pilot version

Youth Facilitator’s Guide “Youth in School Safety” (YSS) Pilot version aims to empower the youth at schools to strengthen the bonds between school children and Red Cross youths, teachers and parents in their specific roles in school safety.

This is done by equipping the Red Cross youths with basic knowledge and skills for School Based Risk Reduction (SBRR) or school safety.

The training methodology employs a participant-centred, experiential learning approach which relies on a non-cognitive methodology (feelings, experience, or the physical body, rather than intellectual analysis) adopted from Youth as Agents of Behavioural Change (YABC) toolkits.

The guide supports youth to gain the SBRR knowledge by addressing/identifying specific gaps/issues and their root causes in their existing knowledge and practice, giving all possible solutions to such issues by their own, through scenario based games, role-plays, simulation and visualization exercises, through a creative platform: theatre, dance, music, arts and sports activities.

In a second phase, children and youths share experiences with their peers, reflect together and make a ‘from heart to mind’ learning journey to become ethical leaders for School Safety.

This methodology is combined with a delivery of knowledge on Comprehensive School Safety framework (CSS) .

This guide is complementary to the School Safety Handbook (2015) published by the IFRC Bangkok Country Cluster Support Team (IFRC Bangkok CCST) and piloted in Myanmar Red Cross Society in July 2015 and Malaysian Red Crescent in September, 2016.

Usage: Guidance to implementation

Audience: Any youth practitioners or volunteers of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies who wants to start the School Based Disaster Risk Reduction Programme at their communities or schools or National Societies. This guide will be upgraded further after some test trainings in Southeast Asia National Societies.

See also the supporting documents:



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Southeast Asia Regional Lessons Learnt Workshop on School Safety Initiative and School-Based Disaster Risk Reduction | 15-16 September 2016 | Bangkok, Thailand

IFRC Country Cluster Support Team (CCST) in collaboration with ASEAN and partners will organize the Southeast Asia Regional Lessons Learnt Workshop on School Safety Initiative and School-Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Bangkok, Thailand, on 15-16 September 2016.

For more information, see the Concept note | Agenda | Practical information | Participant list | Report
For any high-resolution photos, kindly contact
Session 1: Global & Regional Initiative on School Safety Risk Reduction
Presentation on global level school safety: Global initiative on school safety (GADRRRES/WISS) by Save the Children – Peuvchenda Bun
Presentation on regional level school safety: Asia Pacific Coalition on School Safety (APCSS) by Plan International – Trinh Truong Nghia
Presentation on ASEAN Safe Schools Initiative (ASSI) by Save the Children – Nadia Pulmano
Presentation on IFRC Engagement in School Safety: IFRC – Marwan Jilani

Session 2:School-based Disaster Risk Reduction Implementation in Myanmar by Myanmar Red Cross Society

Session 3: Youth Engagement on School Safety Initiative and Good Practice 
Presentation on Youth Engagement on School Safety Initiative and Good Practice by Timor-Leste Red Cross (CVTL)
Presentation on Youth Engagement on School Safety Initiative and Good Practice by Indonesian Red Cross (PMI)
Presentation on Learning and Sharing from youth training for school safety by Viet Nam Red Cross

Session 4: Parallel working groups: Sharing good practices, lessons learnt and challenges related to each pillar of the Comprehensive School Safety Framework




Session 5: Good Practice of Risk assessment on Pillar 1 (Safe Learning Facilities): VISUS CSS Application from Ministry of Education and Sports of Lao PDR – Thipphamonh Chanthalangsy

The Triaged Assessment Approach in the Application (slide 22 from the presentation powerpoint)

Session 6: Comprehensive School Safety Regional Mapping Study by Save the Children – Nadia Pulmano

Related resources:

Comprehensive school safety, a

global framework (UNISDR, GADRRRES,

Dec 2014)

IFRC Manuals, guides and briefings
Engaging in the ASEAN School Safety Initiative (ASSI) (IFRC, 2015), a brief highlighting the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement’s engagement in ASEAN School Safe Initiative. See ASEAN School Safety Initiative (ASSI)

Preparing for disasters -a road to resilience in Southeast Asia – consisting of 7 English comic booklets in PDF format (A4 size).  Learning how to face disasters that may occur suddenly by 2 comic characters: Fah and Ton in different disaster situations:


1. Drought                            available in EnglishThaiBurmeseKhmerLaoTetum and Vietnamese
2. Earthquake                      available in EnglishThaiBurmeseLaoTetum and Vietnamese
3. Fire                                    available in EnglishThaiBurmeseKhmerLaoTetum and Vietnamese
4. Flood                                 available in EnglishThaiBurmeseKhmerLaoTetum and Vietnamese
5. Hygiene Promotion        available in EnglishThaiBurmeseKhmerLaoTetum and Vietnamese

 Malaria infographic A3 poster covering:

 – Malaria in Southeast Asia
 – All about mosquitoes
 – Protect yourself and family
6. Tsunami                           available in EnglishThaiBurmeseTetum and Vietnamese
7. Typhoon and Cyclone   available in EnglishThaiBurmeseKhmerLaoTetum and Vietnamese
8. Malaria Prevention        available in EnglishBurmeseKhmerLao and Vietnamese


Video: Be prepared for Natural Disasters with Mr. Radar

English – YouTube link
Thai – YouTube link
Information Poster – Multi Hazards – Be prepared with Mr. Radar in English –

A2 poster with key messages for flood, earthquake, tsunami, windstorm, forest fire, drought, landslide and hazardous chemicals.
Snake Board Game – a game set in A3 in Thai.
Resources from ASEAN Safe School Initiative (ASSI), see this link
Resources from Save the Children


