
Harmonised messaging is a key goal in disaster reduction awareness, and is particularly important when it comes to scaling-up efforts to create a culture of safety. To promote consistent actions to the public this document sets out the key messages for public awareness and public education in all-hazard household and family disaster prevention. It then presents hazard-specific advice for drought, earthquakes, floods, pandemics, tropical storms and wildfires.


Key messages for all-hazard household and family disaster prevention are:

  • Find out what could happen and stay informed;
  • Make a household disaster and emergency plan, considering everyone in the household;
  • Reduce structural, non-structural and environmental risks in and around the home;
  • Learn response skills and practise the plan;
  • Prepare response provisions to survive for about a week, including evacuation bags;
  • Work with family members’ workplaces, schools, neighbours and local community to assess risks, plan to reduce them, and prepare to respond.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audiences: Technical staff; Communication staff

See also: Public Awareness and Public Education for Disaster Risk Reduction: A Guide

Citation: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (2013). Public Awareness and Public Education for Disaster Risk Reduction: Key Messages (pp. 1-68).


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