vc_edit_form_fields_attributes_vc_ Positive Deviance | Resilience Library


The powerpoint presentation aims to introduce the concept of positive deviance (PD), objectives, process, implementation, evaluation, key findings, challenges, lessons learnt.


Below are the key findings attributable to positive deviance intervention in malaria prevention project:

  • Increase in behaviour change communication (BCC) coverage
  • Increased knowledge
  • Improved attitudes
  • Improved practices
  • Impact on key behavior

Lessons learned:

  • Strong community mobilization tool: Positive deviance engages community through out the process which develops strong sense of ownership
  • Effective interpersonal communication tool: An effective alternative to traditional BCC methods for hard-to-reach populations
  • Fills in the formative research gap: PD process helps understand context, normative behaviours which enables us to develop tailored communication strategies
  • Build capacity and leadership in volunteers: PD approach provides on-job training opportunities to volunteers which boost their confidence, increase motivation and ensure their retention

Usage: Guidance for implementation, training materials

Audience: National Society staff and volunteers

The document is produced by IFRC consultant who makes reference to materials and the successes of Malaria Consortium.

See also:


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