
This document is intended as a simple and practical guide for National Society staff and volunteers who wish to undertake a local-level VCA, as part of their community programming strategy.

This guide aims to answer the following basic questions:

  • Why: Why is a VCA being proposed? Is it going to help the National Society to reduce vulnerability in communities?
  • What: What does it involve? What will it be used for?
  • Who: Who will be involved in undertaking the VCA? Who will benefit?
  • How: How will it be carried out? What tools and methods are involved? Do you have the necessary capacity and resources? How do you select the communities most at risk?
  • When: When should you start the VCA? When you should not? How long will it take?
  • Where: In which communities will you carry out the VCA? Is the branch willing to support and able to undertake the work?


The guide particularly discusses:

  • Planning the VCA
  • Preparation phase
  • Field testing
  • Implementation phase
  • Analysis phase
  • Action planning

Usage: Guideline for implementation

Audience: National Society staff and volunteers

For the other series of VCA guides:


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