
The work programme was launched in the 3rd AADMER Partnership Conference in April 2016, Semarang, Indonesia.

The ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency or AADMER has been effectively facilitating regional cooperation between and among ASEAN Member States since its entry into force on 24 December 2009. As the legally-binding regional agreement in ASEAN, AADMER has directly contributed to the building of ASEAN Community, and the enhancement of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation of the
peoples and communities in ASEAN.

In the next ten years, the vision of ASEAN on disaster management looks at three  strategic elements:

  1. Institutionalisation and Communications;
  2. Partnership and Innovations;
  3. Finance and Resource Mobilisation.

The AADMER Work Programme 2016-2020 differs from the previous work programme in terms of having a more pronounced articulation of protecting the gains of ASEAN Community integration for the peoples and communities of ASEAN, and showcasing ASEAN’s leadership and experience. It continues to put the premium on the contribution to and ownership of ASEAN Member States of the initiatives embodied in the new work programme; and the significance of engaging multiple sectors and stakeholders while maintaining ASEAN Centrality to ensure policy and programme coherence.


The 8 Priority Programmes, with the specific objectives and outputs outlined in this work plan, are:

  1. AWARE: Risk aware ASEAN Community
  2. BUILD SAFELY: Building safe ASEAN infrastructures and essential services
  3. ADVANCE: A Disaster resilient and climate adaptive ASEAN community
  4. PROTECT: Protecting economic and social gains of ASEAN community integration through risk transfer and social protection
  5. RESPOND AS ONE: Transforming mechanisms for ASEAN’s leadership in response
  6. EQUIP: Enhanced capacities for one ASEAN one response
  7. RECOVERY: ASEAN resilience recovery
  8. LEAD: ASEAN Leadership for Excellence and Innovation in Disaster Management


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