Purpose: The guidelines presented in this document are intended to help Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) incorporate effective gender-sensitive and inclusive approaches into their disaster management strategies when assisting communities prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters.

The document contains National Society case studies that provide specific examples within the Asia Pacific region of key challenges and good practices for integrating gender into various stages of disaster management programming.

Overview: Case studies covered include: Pakistan – Humanitarian Assistance for Internally Displaced Persons; Myanmar – Women’s Participation in Recovery; Bangladesh – Community-Based Flood Management Programme; China – Community-Based Disaster Preparedness; Indonesia – Integrated Community-Based Risk Reduction Project, and the Solomon Islands – Working Together for Healthy Communities.

Women and girls generally tend to be the main victims of natural disasters. At the same time, gender-based behaviours and stereotypes can also have negative effects on men and boys. The experiences of the Asia Pacific National Societies have particularly highlighted the importance of understanding and considering ways to respond to inequality and discrimination against transgendered people.

Usage: Guidance for project implementation

Audience: National Society leadership; Technical staff; Gender and diversity practitioners


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