
The objective of RDMC is for following up on the activities against the action plan developed during the last meeting, and for receiving presentations from the National Societies in the region on any innovative projects they are implementing, to understand the focus for the Regional Disaster Management Unit, to create opportunities for updates and sharing of National Societies innovative projects, and obtain an update on the work of the Disaster Management Unit in Asia Pacific Zone office.


The Regional Disaster Management Committee (RDMC) was a regional forum which had been conducted in the thematic scope of Disaster Management (separate from Health and Organizational Development). The RDMC was held before RCSRF (in 2014), regularly from 2001-2013.

The 16th Regional Disaster Management Committee (RDMC) meeting was hosted by Singapore Red Cross from June 6-8, 2012.  The meeting was open and participatory with fruitful and concrete discussions resulting in clear recommendations. Constructive feedback was provided on the current ‘state of play’ of the RDMC. Weaknesses were identifed as well as underutilized strengths. Most importantly, discussions focused on how to transform the RDMC into a stronger, more proactive forum led by the national societies with support from their Federation.

Regional National Societies all attended the RDMC with presentations which contained information about organization structures, progress reports and future plans. Some even came with org charts.

Usage: Policy development

Audience: National Society leadership, Technical staff, Communication staff

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