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The regional perspective

In Southeast Asia, the term ‘community safety and resilience‘ refers to the integrated approach of the three main activities of National Societies: disaster management, health and organizational development/youth.

The Resilience House describes how all sectors and cross-cutting components in our work fit together to support safer and resilient community in Southeast Asia. The Resilience House model was proposed by the Southeast Asia Regional Community Safety and Resilience Forum in 2014 with the support of IFRC. The model is flexible and evolves following the growing experiences of the National Societies of this region in line with IFRC Framework for Community Resilience.

Resilience infographics

The IFRC defines resilience as:

“The ability of individuals, communities, organizations or countries exposed to disasters, crises and underlying vulnerabilities to anticipate, prepare for, reduce the impact of, cope with and recover from the effects of shocks and stresses without compromising their long-term prospects.”

What is a community? Infographics


“A community is a group of people who may or may not live within the same area, village or neighbourhood, share a similar culture, habits and resources. Communities are groups of people also exposed to the same threats and risks such as disease, political and economic issues and natural disasters.”

A Resilient Community Infographic

A resilient community is defined as a community which:

  • is knowledgeable, healthy and can meet its basic needs
  • is socially cohesive
  • has economic opportunities
  • has well-maintained and accessible infrastructures and services
  • can manage its natural assets
  • is connected.

Resilience at multiple levels infographics

The definition recognizes that resilience can be observed and strengthened at multiple levels:

  1. Individual level
  2. Household level
  3. Community level
  4. Local government
  5. National government
  6. Organizations such as National Societies including their branches and volunteers.
  7. Regional and global levels

Guiding Documents

This framework establishes a foundation on which all IFRC programmes, projects, interventions and actions, across the contexts, which contribute to strengthening communities, can be created, developed and sustained.
The Road Map provides step-by-step guidance on how to operationalize the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ Framework for Community Resilience (FCR). It will help you coordinate programme teams in your National Society or branch and work alongside other stakeholders to enable communities to become more resilient in the face of threats.
IFRC and community resilience_Communication guidance for National Societies

e-mail Mr. Hung Ha Nguyen at

Community Safety and Resilience Forum


Resilience House

The resilience house below shows how each of the sectors and cross-cutting elements interact to support community safety and resilience.

Community Resilience and Social Capital

The goal of community-based approach is community resilience. In the practical work of the Red Cross/Red Crescent, a community is spatially defined – it concerns a village or a ward. This definition is handy and sensible, as natural hazards are similarly bound by geography. Yet, a community is so much more than just individuals residing beneath each other. It includes intangibles such as a sense of belonging, relations between these individuals, organisation, support and trust. This report is about the “so much more”: social capital – the ‘glue that holds people together’.

Of networks, norms, and trust_The role of social capital in reinforcing community resilience
The role of social capital in strengthening disaster resilience in Thailand
Series 1 - What is social capital?
Series 2 - High and low social capital
Series 3 - Why social capital is important to Red Cross and Red Crescent
Series 4 - How National Societies can help nurture social capital

Document library - Community Safety and Resilience

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